Friday, January 10, 2014


We took care of another 21 patients today, 42 total between yesterday and today! It was so much fun and we learned alot. Some patients came in with certain complaints and we found new diagnosis' with the doctors, others were very proactive about taking this opportunity for a health check up. It is unbelievable that the patients do not have access to OTC drugs like tylenol and antihistamines. After our lunch break we opened the church for the families in the community to come and relax at our "beauty salon". There was 7 stations set up in the church; hair, nails, making valentines day cards, yoga, coloring, massages by Mindy and face painting. Tomorrow we are going to the Poas national park at 8,885 ft elevation. The park is one of the most breathtaking sites in the country and includes the Poas active volcano, one of the worlds largest craters, hiking to a lagoon and much more. After an early visit to Poas we are making home visits to the community of Fraijanes. We are hosting a clinic there on Sunday. Our expirience so far has been fantastic!  

~ Pura Vida ~

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure that this was my favorite day so far. Seeing the pure joy on every child's face was an experience that will last with me forever. As excited as I am for the clinic in Fraijanes, I will most certainly miss the clinic in Alajuela. There was something very endearing about it.

    A new adventure is always exciting though, and I'm looking forward to caring for more patients.
